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Photo Credit: Clay Banks (@clay.banks)

Know Your Rights!

1. The right to protest is a human right by the US Constitution and First Amendment

2. If you're stopped, ask if you're free to go. If the police say yes, walk away calmly

3. You have the right to record police

4. Police may ask you to stop interfering but recording at a distance is not interfering

5. Without a warrant, police cannot take your photos/videos

6. The First Amendment allows you to record images but depending on the state you're in, you may not be allowed to record audio. (In CA, recording audio without consent is illegal.)

7. During a protest, policemen must protect your right to protest and deescalate violence. Not start it.

8. If arrested, do not sign anything, say anything, or agree to anything until a lawyer is present. If you're unable to afford an attorney, rest assured, a public defender will be provided for you (source)

9. If arrested, ask to make a phonecall. (In CA, you're entitled to three calls no later than three hours after your arrest.)

Tip: Memorize a few numbers in case of an arrest! The police will more than likely not allow you to use a handphone to make calls.

Tip: Keep in mind, if you're calling anyone other than an attorney, they may record your calls.

10. Under any circumstances are police authorized to delete data from your devices

Additional sources: 1, 2

Written By: Bree Lee


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