BLMFolderA MOVEMENT THAT SHOOK THE WORLDPhoto Credit: Shane Aldendorff, UnSplash Arif Zahir shares a video of New Zealand, France, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, England, Spain,...
BLMFolderMINNEAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL DISBANDS POLICE FORCEPhoto: Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images Listed below are links to articles describing the action the City Council of...
BLMFolderLAPD Receives Budget Cuts, Police Are OutragedLAPD received budget cuts. Although I understand where they're coming from, there is a reason why cuts must be made to help the Black...
BLMFolderUnique Community FundraisersWe've gathered some unique fundraisers from the community that we thought we'd share! Artists are matching donations and creating...
BLMFolderNew Zealand Preforms an ancient dance in solidarity with George Floyd and BLMCredit To:
BLMFolderAgreement to "Hold Cops Accountable" is made between LPD and Community LeadersCredit To: